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Resources and
Research Findings
Below are a number of resources including reports, research findings and previously recorded events
The DACA Standards
Domestic Abuse Court Advocacy (DACA) starts from the understanding that –
Everyone has a right to live their life free from abuse
Everyone should have access to free, independent, and accredited domestic abuse court advocacy
Domestic abuse is an intersectional gendered issue. We recognise that society is not equal, and power and privilege co-exist both between genders, and within genders
This document contains the standards which have been created with the input of people with lived experience, people with professional experience, and academics.
The DACA Standards launch event
The DACA Standards were launched on Friday 8 March 2024 and the event was recorded. Speakers included the Minister for Victims and Community Safety Siobhian Brown, former DACA Accreditation Project Lead Dr Kirsty Campbell, Principal Prosecutor for Domestic Abuse Dr Emma Forbes, Head of SafeLives Scotland Jess Denniff, DACA Accreditation Project Lead Gemma Gall and DACA Accreditation Project, Subject Matter Expert, Louise Docherty from ASSIST.
The DACA Mapping and Scoping report
The mapping and scoping exercise is the culmination of the first stage of the DACA Accreditation project. The findings are presented in two reports. This report, ‘Mapping and Scoping Domestic Abuse Court Advocacy in Scotland – Definitions and Evidence’, defines domestic abuse court advocacy, maps domestic abuse court advocacy provision in Scotland, highlights current issues with the provision of court advocacy by any service, highlights the benefits of domestic abuse court advocacy, and concludes with the current limitations in service provision.
'It's like walking blindfolded through a minefield' – DACA provision in Scotland report
This report builds on the findings and analysis explored in depth in the Definitions and Evidence Report to underscore key findings around provision of domestic abuse court advocacy in Scotland and highlight opportunities to better meet the needs of victims and survivors of domestic abuse across the country who have cases going through the criminal court process.
The DACA first year summary report
A short overview of the current picture of domestic abuse court advocacy in Scotland, and how this could be expanded.
The DACA second year summary report
A review of the project's second year activity including the development of the Standards, training, evaluation frameworks and mentoring and accreditation plans.
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